Join the Crew
Ready to help support the commissioning? Feel free to donate to the Minutemen cause or see our higher donation tiers for special
Want to Donate More?
Our Ambassador tier represents the highest level of donation possible and greatest contribution. You are exceptional beyond words and we wish to thank you in ways we only know possible.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as an additional facing page of recognition in our program, Breakfast, and Reception as well as specific recognition on our website.
Our Fleet Admiral tier represents a member of incredible status amongst the Navy. Our team recognizes you as a person of great passion and dedication to our mission.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as a commemorative Chelsea clock, ship's clock, Breakfast, and Reception.
Fleet Admiral
The Admiral represents our four-star generals on the active line of duty. The grade of admiral is the highest appointment an officer can achieve in the United States Navy, showing dedication to their fellow sailors and their country.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as a full page of commendation in our Ceremony program, Breakfast, and reception.
Reflecting its nautical heritage, the captain is the senior-most commissioned officer rank and reflects a name bound in commanding the seas. You bring a fierceness to everything you do and we are happy to have you aboard.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as Breakfast.
Susan B Anthony is a woman of many historical accomplishments, including, but not limited to, leading the women's suffrage movement in the USA and being an advocate for abolition alongside Frederick Douglass.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as a 1/2 page of recognition in our program, a commemorative boardroom clock, Breakfast, and Reception as well as specific recognition on our website.
Susan B. Anthony
Sam Adams was not only a Founding Father, but talented statesman and spearhead of what would create the US's political system. He's a man of many talents to be remembered just as you will.
This tier includes all the benefits of the previous tiers as well as a 1/4 page of individual recognition in our program, and two tickets to the pre-ceremony breakfast.
Samuel Adams
Look at our larger donation tiers below to see how you can contribute more and what each tier gets you. Click here for a graphic view of the donation tiers. For questions, feel free to contact us!
Order A Plate!
Our long term goal is to provide support to the Sailors and their Families in meaningful, impactful, and sustainable ways for the duration of the Service of USS Massachusetts SSN 798. This is through job and education transition programs, scholarships, visits to the State community engagement by the crew, relief for emergency expenses, and boosting the crew’s morale funds.
Your support via the plate fee offsets the cost of these programs benefiting the Sailors and their Families.
Company-owned and leased vehicles can't order special plates online.
The fee for the USS Massachusetts plate is $40 and is 100% tax deductible. If you have an existing MA license plate that you will be turning in for your new USS Massachusetts plate, you will be subject to a $20 plate swap fee, and any other registration fees (for example, your registration may be due at time of plate pick-up). Registrations must still be renewed every two years, and the $40 plate fee continues to be tax-deductible every two years. A $1.46 processing fee is included in order to process the amount of purchases.